
of accetto images

All accetto images offer additional features that are not commonly provided by Docker images. Some of them are unique to the accetto image family.

Table of contents
  1. Features
    1. Additional features
    2. Unique features
      1. Features as a concept
      2. Version sticker
      3. Firefox Plus
      4. Overriding ENVV
      5. Overriding VNC
      6. Overriding user and group

Additional features

The most notable additional features are probably the ones supporting headless working:

  1. Graphical Xfce desktop environment
  2. Access over noVNC with common web browsers
  3. Access over VNC with common VNC viewers
  4. Popular web browsers Firefox and Chromium
  5. Support of sudo command
  6. Set of popular Linux utilities and applications
  7. Support of Mesa3D and VirtualGL (some images)

Unique features

There are also additional features that are unique to the accetto image family. They have been introduced and developed by accetto.

Features as a concept

The first unique feature is called Features (no pun intended).

The concept of features has been introduced in the third generation (G3) of accetto images.

The features are any properties of a Docker image, that have some significance for the developer or the user of the image. For example, slim build or novnc included could be features.

The features are expressed as variables in the source code. The feature variables could be translated to build arguments. The feature variables set in Dockerfiles are persisted in the images as environment variables.

The features in this meaning are relevant mostly for image building, which lies outside the scope of this User guide.

However, there can be also features, that control container run-time behavior.

For example, the feature Overriding ENVV controls the possibility to override environment variables at the container startup-time.

Version sticker

The Version sticker feature allows to quickly determine the feature set of the particular container build.

Version stickers play an important role in image building, which lies outside the scope of this User guide.

Firefox Plus

The Firefox Plus feature makes enforcing of personal Firefox browser preferences more convenient.

Overriding ENVV

The Overriding ENVV feature allows to override environment variables at the container startup-time (after the container has been already created).

Overriding VNC

The Overriding VNC feature allows to override the VNC/noVNC parameters at the container startup-time (after the container has been already created).

Overriding user and group

The Overriding user and group feature enhances the default overriding support from Docker.

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