WebGL support

in web browsers

Some accetto images have limited WebGL support in web browsers. It is not a bug, but a compromise decision favouring smaller image sizes over WebGL support.

Table of contents
  1. WebGL support
    1. Current WebGL support status
    2. Testing WebGL support
    3. Installing WebGL support

Generally it’s not a problem, but if you often visit web sites that require WebGL, then you have the following options:

  1. You can choose a browser image that already supports WebGL (see below)
  2. You can install the package mesa-utils yourself

In some cases WebGL support comes with the web browser package itself.

Current WebGL support status

The current status of WebGL support in the accetto images with web browsers is summarized in the following table:

Image WebGL
Based on Ubuntu, Firefox browser no
Based on Ubuntu, Chromium browser yes
Based on Debian, Firefox browser no
Based on Debian, Chromium browser no
Based on Ubuntu with Mesa3D, Firefox browser yes
Based on Ubuntu with Mesa3D, Chromium browser yes

Testing WebGL support

You can test for the WebGL support in a running container by visiting the official WebGL test page.

If the web browser supports WebGL, then you should see a spinning cube.

The following animation illustrates both possible cases.

animation WebGL test page

Installing WebGL support

If you decide to install the package mesa-utils yourself, then you can do it using the following command:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y mesa-utils

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