Installing packages

in running containers

Installing packages inside running accetto containers is fairly simple. The container user is a member of sudo group and therefore you can install new packages the usual way.

Table of contents
  1. Installing packages
    1. Fixing broken dependencies

You should always start by refreshing the list of available packages by executing the following command inside the container:

sudo apt-get update

The sudo command will ask for the container user password, which is headless by default.

Note that the sudo authorization will expire after some time and you’ll be asked for the password again.

New packages are installed using the apt-get install command.

For example, if you want to install the popular text editor Vim:

sudo apt-get install -y vim

You can verify that Vim has been installed by using the following command:

which vim


You will find the Vim launcher in the Applications/Accessories menu.

Fixing broken dependencies

Almost all packages depend on other packages.

The apt-get install command usually handles all dependencies automatically, but sometimes it can happen, that something goes wrong.

The following command could help in such cases:

sudo apt --fix-broken install

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